What Is Title IX?

Established in 1972, Title IX (pronounced “Title Nine”) is a law that makes it illegal for any government-funded educational institution to discriminate against you because of your sex. The Title IX office ensures you have equal access to educational opportunities, on-campus activities and more. Trans and genderqueer folx: that includes you.

Our Commitment To You

Sexual assault and gender-based discrimination threaten a person's safety, well-being, educational experience and livelihood. The Title IX office is committed to creating an environment free of misconduct including:

  • Sexual Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Harassment
  • Stalking

How We Help

Title IX is your ally against discrimination, harassment and assault on the basis of sex, gender identity or gender expression. If you’ve experienced discrimination or harm, we encourage you to come forward - no shame, no fear of backlash. We will help you decide on the best way to report what happened to you. Then, we’ll point you toward the proper support services, including counseling and academic accommodations. After that, we’ll check in with you regularly, ensuring that you feel safe enough to continue your time at Temple. 

Victims and Survivors: We’re here for you. Temple University will not tolerate gender-based or sexual misconduct. If you or someone nearby is in crisis, please contact Temple’s Emergency Response Center at Episcopal Hospital, available 24 Hours a day, at 215-707-2577.

Visit Us

Tuttleman Learning Center, Suite 100
1809 N. 13th Street | Philadelphia, PA 19122


Megan Patrick, Ed.D.
Title IX Coordinator, ADA Coordinator
