Title IX Trainings
Individuals involved in the Title IX process have completed various trainings, with available links to materials and the option for additional material upon request.
2020-2021 Academic Year
- Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment (OCR)
- Title IX Hearings: Ten Potential Challenges to Anticipate (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- The New Title IX Regulations: Hearings: Balancing Compliance with Care (Cozen O’Connor)
- Misconduct Complaints: The First 48 Hours (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Navigating Electronic Evidence in Misconduct Investigations (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- AAAED Title IX Conference Session
November 23, 2020 – Webinar – use of electronic devices in harassment cases - Conducting Climate Investigations: Challenges and Best Practices (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Reluctant Witnesses and the New Regs (Dan Schorr, LLC) – material available upon request
- Individual Wishes v. Risk of Harm: When and How to Proceed Without a Cooperative Complainant (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Investigating New Complaints of Old Misconduct (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Implementing Restorative Justice in Title and Misconduct Response (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Live@Distance Training (SUNY)
- Supportive Measures in Response to Reports of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence
- No Contact Orders, Emergency Removal, and Interim Suspensions
- Cross-Examination in a Title IX Hearing
- Relevance and Decorum in a Title IX Hearing
- Law & the Hearing Panel
- Pre-Hearing Preparations
- Virtual Hearing Technology
- The Neurobiology of Trauma
- Trauma-Informed Practice – Legal Compliance Basics
- Evidence in the Student Conduct Process
- Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses
- Appeals in Student Conduct Proceedings
- Sexual Harassment: Legal Definitions
- CAS Standards: Sexual Violence Related Programs and Services
- CAS Standards: Student Conduct Programs
- Title IX Final Rule Basics
- Due Process Part One: Theory and History
- Due Process Part Two: Application
- Privacy, Confidentiality, and Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence
- Accountability
2021-2022 Academic Year
- Campus Safety Awareness Month Summit (Clery Center)
- Title IX Hearings: Lessons Learned in 2021 (Dan Schorr LLC)
- Conducting Title IX Hearings After the Cardona Decision: New Guidance and Best Practices (Dan Schorr LLC)
- Live@Distance Training (SUNY)
- Title IX Investigator for HR Professionals
- Clery ASR Training Webinar
- Clery Training Series
- Title IX Offices: Structure and Staffing for Success (Dan Schorr LLC)
- IX Issues to Consider for 2022 (Dan Schorr LLC)
- Restorative Justice Practices in Title IX Hearings (Dan Schorr, LLC)
- Safe Zone 1 & 2 Training (Temple University)
- Title IX and Bias Series (Grand River Solutions) – material available upon request
- Privacy, Confidentiality, and Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence (SUNY)
- Title IX Sexual Harassment: What is Severe, Pervasive, & Objectively Offensive Conduct? (SUNY)
- Appeals in the Student Conduct Process (SUNY)
- Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence (SUNY)
- Conflicts of Interest and Bias (SUNY)
- Cross Examination in a Title IX Hearing (SUNY)
- Effective interviewing of Parties and Witnesses (SUNY)
- Evidence in the Student Conduct Process (SUNY)
- Law and the Hearing Panel (SUNY)
- No Contact Orders, Emergency Removals, and Interim Suspensions (SUNY)
- Online Harassment (SUNY)
- Pre Hearing Preparations (SUNY)
- Relevance and Decorum (SUNY)
- Sexual Harassment: Federal Legal Definitions (SUNY)
- Supportive Measures (SUNY)
- Title IX Final Rule Basics (SUNY)
- Title IX Report Writing (SUNY)
- Webinar: Department of Education overview of the proposed Title IX regulations
2022-2023 Academic Year
- Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings - (SUNY)
- Privacy, Confidentiality, & Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence – (SUNY)
- Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: Conducting Timely Investigations and Hearings (Dan Schorr LLC)
- Technology Basics-Information Security, Confidentiality & Decorum - (SUNY)
- What is Severe, Persistent and Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment - (SUNY)
- Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence - (SUNY)
- Legal Framework for Understanding Conflicts of Interest & Bias - (SUNY)
- Title IX Final Rule Basics - (SUNY)
- No Contact Orders, Emergency Removals, and Interim Suspension - (SUNY)
- Cross Examination in a Title IX Hearing - (SUNY)
- Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses - (SUNY)
- Relevance and Decorum in a Title IX Hearing - (SUNY)
- Live@Distance Training (SUNY)
- Pennsylvania State Law Basics
- Decisions & Appeals
- Investigations & Hearings
- Incident Reported & Conduct Process
- Legal Fundamentals